Nurse Salary in Georgia

Debra Riley


Here you can view all the data available for nursing salaries in the state of Georgia (GA). You can use the Contents Table below to go to the type of nurse specialty you require – Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Nurse Anesthetist CRNA and LPN/LVN’s – all salary data for Georgia.

In the tables you can see a comparison against state and national average salaries as well as a detailed breakdown of employment and salaries for each nurse career.

Registered Nurse Salary in Georgia

The average Registered Nurse Salary in Georgia (GA) is $66,750 which is below the national average for RN’s. There are approximately 75,000 Registered Nurses employed in the state of Georgia across a range of industries.

Hourly WageWeekly WageMonthly SalaryAnnual Salary
Registered Nurse RN Salary Georgia$32.09$1,284$5,562$66,750
U.S. Registered Nurse RN Salary$35.36$1,414$6,129$73,550
U.S. National Average Salary$24.34$973$4,218$50,620

Registered Nurse Salary in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas, Georgia

The tables show employment figures, average salary information – by hour, week, month and annual salaries in Metropolitan and Non Metropolitan areas of Georgia.

StateEmployment NumbersHourly WageAnnual Salary
Albany 1,160 $25.98$54,030
Athens-Clarke County 1,880 $30.28$62,980
Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell 40,400 $33.92$70,540
East Georgia nonmetropolitan area 1,320 $28.53$59,340
Macon 2,880 $30.28$62,980
Middle Georgia nonmetropolitan area 2,210 $29.42$61,190
North Georgia nonmetropolitan area 1,750 $28.75$59,810
Rome 1,440 $30.65$63,740
Savannah 3,680 $29.88$62,160
South Georgia nonmetropolitan area 3,300 $27.16$56,500
Valdosta 1,230 $29.18$60,700
Warner Robins 1,040 $29.50$61,350
Columbus 2,630 $28.65$59,600
Augusta-Richmond County 6,900 $32.77$68,150

Back to RN Salary main page.

Nurse Practitioner Salary in Georgia

The average Nurse Practitioner Salary in Georgia (GA) is $103,890 which is below the national average for Nurse Practitioners. The latest figures show that there are 5,200 Nurse Practitioners employed in the state of Georgia across a range of industries. These figures do not include further specialties within the group.

Hourly WageWeekly WageMonthly SalaryAnnual Salary
Nurse Practitioner Salary Georgia$49.95$1,998$8,658$103,890
U.S. Nurse Practitioner Salary$51.68$2,067$8,957$107,480
U.S. National Average Salary$24.34$973$4,218$50,620

Nurse Practitioner Salary in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas, Georgia

The tables below show employment figures, average salary information – by hour, week, month and annual salaries in Metropolitan and Non Metropolitan areas of Georgia.

StateEmployment NumbersHourly WageAnnual Salary
Athens-Clarke County120$46.50$96,720
Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell 2,900 $51.17$106,430
East Georgia nonmetropolitan area120$43.21$89,880
Middle Georgia nonmetropolitan area190$52.76$109,740
North Georgia nonmetropolitan area140$49.20$102,340
South Georgia nonmetropolitan area300$44.75$93,070
Warner Robins70$45.81$95,290
Augusta-Richmond County310$47.26$98,300

Main Nurse Practitioner Salaries page.

Licensed Practical Nurse LPN / LVN Salary in Georgia

The average Licensed Practical Nurse LPN Salary in Georgia (GA) is $40,650 which is below the national average for LPN or LVN’S. The latest figures show that 26,040 LPN’s are employed in the state of Georgia across a range of industries.

Hourly WageWeekly WageMonthly SalaryAnnual Salary
Licensed Practical Nurse LPN/LVN Salary Georgia$19.54$782$3,388$40,650
U.S. Licensed Practical Nurse LPN/LVN Salary$21.98$918$3,976$47,710
U.S. National Average Salary$24.34$973$4,218$50,620

Licensed Practical Nurse LPN / LVN Salary in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas, Georgia

The tables below show total employment figures, average salary information – by hour, week, month and annual salaries in Metropolitan and Non Metropolitan areas of Georgia for LPN’s / Licensed Vocational Nurses.

StateEmployment NumbersHourly WageAnnual Salary
Athens-Clarke County310$20.70$43,060
Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell 12,440 $20.61$42,860
East Georgia nonmetropolitan area840$17.25$35,890
Macon 1,010 $19.91$41,420
Middle Georgia nonmetropolitan area 1,280 $18.56$38,610
North Georgia nonmetropolitan area 1,020 $18.93$39,370
South Georgia nonmetropolitan area 1,840 $16.43$34,170
Warner Robins780$19.46$40,480
Augusta-Richmond County 1,760 $19.84$41,270

Wonder how some other states compare for LPN salaries? Have a look at some of our state pages:

Back to main LPN/LVN salary                                      Average Nursing Salaries by State

Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary in Georgia (GA)

The average Nurse Anesthetist Salary in Georgia (GA) is $145,210 which is quite a bit below the national average salary for Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists. The latest figures show that there are around 1,010 Nurse Anesthetists employed in the state of Georgia in several different industries.

Hourly WageWeekly WageMonthly SalaryAnnual Salary
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary Georgia$69.81$2,792$12,101$145,210
U.S. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary$81.47$3,258 $14,120$169,450
U.S. National Average Salary$24.34$973$4,218$50,620

Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas, Georgia

The following tables include relevant employment numbers, average salary information – by hour, week, month and annual salaries in Metropolitan and Non Metropolitan areas of Georgia.

StateEmployment NumbersHourly WageAnnual Salary
Atlanta-Sandy Springs-Roswell-$65.33$135,880
Augusta-Richmond County40$89.98$187,150

Back to the CRNA Salary by state page or the main Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary page.


Georgia GA. State capital is Atlanta. Largest cities are Atlanta, Augusta-Richmond and Columbus. Latest population figures 10,214,860. Per capita income $40,551.