Nurse Salary in Indiana

Debra Riley


On this page you can look at the data available for different nursing salaries in the U.S. state of Indiana (IN). Use the Contents Table below to click on the type of nursing specialty you require more information about – we have covered these types of nurse so far – Nurse Practitioners, Registered Nurses, Nurse Anesthetist CRNA and LPN/LVN’s – all the salary data is for Indiana state.

In the following tables you can see a comparison with state and national average salaries for each career as well as a detailed breakdown of employment and salaries.

Registered Nurse Salary in Indiana

The average salary for a Registered Nurse in Indiana (IN) is $62,450 which is below the national average for RN’s viewed across all U.S. states. There are approximately 68,530 people employed as Registered Nurses in the state of Indiana – across a range of  varied industries.

Hourly WageWeekly WageMonthly SalaryAnnual Salary
Registered Nurse RN Salary Indiana$30.02$1,201$5,371$62,450
U.S. Registered Nurse RN Salary$35.36$1,414$6,129$73,550
U.S. National Average Salary$24.34$973$4,218$50,620

Registered Nurse Salaries in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas, Indiana

This table will show you the employment numbers and the average salary information – salaries are displayed by – hourly wages, weekly wages, monthly and total avaerage annual salaries in both Metropolitan and Non Metropolitan areas of Indiana.

StateEmployment NumbersHourly WageAnnual Salary
Bloomington 1,380 $28.13$58,510
Central Indiana nonmetropolitan area 2,820 $28.45$59,180
Elkhart-Goshen 1,710 $27.91$58,050
Fort Wayne 6,170 $26.97$56,100
Gary 7,230 $32.36$67,310
Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson 26,100 $32.06$66,690
Lafayette-West Lafayette 2,130 $30.04$62,490
Michigan City-La Porte770$30.46$63,350
Muncie 1,190 $29.59$61,550
Northern Indiana nonmetropolitan area 2,710 $25.88$53,830
Southern Indiana nonmetropolitan area 2,970 $27.65$57,510
Terre Haute 1,880 $29.30$60,930
Evansville 4,450 $28.66$59,600
South Bend-Mishawaka 2,970 $29.24$60,810

Back to RN Salary main page with lots of details of national figures.

Nurse Practitioner Salary in Indiana

The average Nurse Practitioner Salary in Indiana (IN) is $101,780 which is again below the average national salary for Nurse Practitioners (NP’s). The latest figures show that there are 4,120 Nurse Practitioners working in the state of Indiana across a range of industries.

Hourly WageWeekly WageMonthly SalaryAnnual Salary
Nurse Practitioner Salary Indiana$48.93$1,957$8,482$101,780
U.S. Nurse Practitioner Salary$51.68$2,067$8,957$107,480
U.S. National Average Salary$24.34$973$4,218$50,620

Nurse Practitioner Salary in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas, Indiana

The table below shows employment figures, average salary information – by hour, week, month and annual salaries in Metropolitan and Non Metropolitan areas of Indiana.

StateEmployment NumbersHourly WageAnnual Salary
Central Indiana nonmetropolitan area180$47.77$99,360
Fort Wayne390$44.20$91,930
Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson 1,530 $52.23$108,650
Lafayette-West Lafayette80$47.92$99,680
Michigan City-La Porte50$49.05$102,010
Northern Indiana nonmetropolitan area160$35.55$73,950
Southern Indiana nonmetropolitan area200$48.50$100,880
Terre Haute50$43.86$91,230
South Bend-Mishawaka120$47.24$98,260

Main Nurse Practitioner Salary page here.

Licensed Practical Nurse LPN / LVN Salary in Indiana

The average Licensed Practical Nurse LPN Salary in Indiana (IN) is $42,440 which is below the national average wage figures for LPN (or LVN’s). The latest figures show that there are approximately 15,480 LPN’s employed within the state of Indiana across a range of health care related industries.

Hourly WageWeekly WageMonthly SalaryAnnual Salary
Licensed Practical Nurse LPN/LVN Salary Indiana$20.40$816$3,537$42,440
U.S. Licensed Practical Nurse LPN/LVN Salary$21.98$918$3,976$47,710
U.S. National Average Salary$24.34$973$4,218$50,620

Licensed Practical Nurse LPN / LVN Salaries in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas, Indiana

The table of data shows the total employment figures and the average salary information – by hour, week, month and annual salaries in Metropolitan and Non Metropolitan areas of Indiana for LPN’s / Licensed Vocational Nurses.

StateEmployment NumbersHourly WageAnnual Salary
Central Indiana nonmetropolitan area 1,360 $19.92$41,430
Fort Wayne 1,230 $20.65$42,960
Gary 1,210 $21.32$44,340
Indianapolis-Carmel-Anderson 4,650 $21.05$43,780
Lafayette-West Lafayette300$21.68$45,090
Michigan City-La Porte70$18.64$38,760
Northern Indiana nonmetropolitan area890$19.50$40,570
Southern Indiana nonmetropolitan area 1,280 $18.83$39,160
Terre Haute540$20.00$41,600
South Bend-Mishawaka670$21.16$44,020

Back to main LPN/LVN salary page

Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary in Indiana (IN)

The average Nurse Anesthetist Salary in Indiana (IN) is $161,570 which is well below the national average wage scale for CRNA’s. The latest figures show that there are around 520 Nurse Anesthetists employed in the state of Indiana in a few different industries.

Hourly WageWeekly WageMonthly SalaryAnnual Salary
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary Indiana$77.68$3,107$13,464$161,570
U.S. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary$81.47$3,258$14,120 $169,450
U.S. National Average Salary$24.34$973$4,218$50,620

Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas, Indiana

The following tables include relevant employment figures, average CRNA salary data – by hour, week, month and annual salaries in Metropolitan and Non Metropolitan areas of Indiana.

Southern Indiana nonmetropolitan area40$105.61$219,660

Back to the CRNA Salary by state page or the main Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary page here.


Indiana IN. State capital is Indianapolis. Largest cities are Indianapolis, Fort Wayne and Evansville. Latest population figures 6,666,818. Per capita income is $40,998.