Nurse Salary in Arizona

Debra Riley


Below you will find nurse salaries in Arizona (AZ) arranged by the type of nurse. Everything is laid out and easy to follow.

You can click on the Tabs for details of: Registered Nurse, Nurse Practitioner, Nurse Anesthetist CRNA and Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN)- all salaries in Arizona.

You can see from the tables a comparison against State and National average salaries and a detailed breakdown of employment figures for Arizona – for each nursing career. All relevant data for Arizona nursing salaries.

Registered Nurse Salary in Arizona (AZ)

The average Registered Nurse Salary in Arizona (AL) is $75,110 which is above the national average for RN’s. There are approximately 54,630 Registered Nurses employed in the state of Arizona across a range of industries. The tables below show employment figures, average salary information – by hour, week, month and annual salaries in Metropolitan and Non Metropolitan areas of Arizona.

Hourly WageWeekly WageMonthly SalaryAnnual Salary
Registered Nurse RN Salary Arizona$36.11$1,444$6,259$75,110
U.S. Registered Nurse RN Salary$35.36$1,414$6,129$73,550
U.S. National Average Salary$24.34$973$4,218$50,620

Registered Nurse Salary in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas, Arizona

StateEmployment NumbersHourly WageAnnual Salary
Arizona nonmetropolitan area 1,810 $35.92$74,710
Flagstaff 1,470 --
Lake Havasu City-Kingman 1,190 $33.70$70,090
Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale 38,670 $36.61$76,140
Prescott 1,500 $36.05$74,980
Sierra Vista-Douglas400$30.40$63,220
Tucson 8,380 $34.80$72,390
Yuma 1,150 $33.23$69,110

Back to the Registered Nurse Salaries by state page or the main RN Salary page.

Nurse Practitioner Salary in Arizona (AZ)

The average Nurse Practitioner Salary in Arizona (AZ) is $104,970 which is above the national average for Nurse Practitioners. The latest figures show that there are 3,120 Nurse Practitioners employed in the state of Arizona across a range of industries. These figures do not include further specialties within the group.

The tables below show employment figures, average salary information – by hour, week, month and annual salaries in Metropolitan and Non Metropolitan areas of Arizona.

Hourly WageWeekly WageMonthly SalaryAnnual Salary
Nurse Practitioner Salary Arizona$50.47$2,019$8,748$104,970
U.S. Nurse Practitioner Salary$51.68$2,067$8,957$107,480
U.S. National Average Salary$24.34$973$4,218$50,620

Nurse Practitioner Salary in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas, Arizona

StateEmployment NumbersHourly WageAnnual Salary
Arizona nonmetropolitan area70$48.58$101,050
Lake Havasu City-Kingman50$55.78$116,020
Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale 2,290 $49.44$102,840
Sierra Vista-Douglas70$46.80$97,350

Return to Nurse Practitioner Salary by State or for all national data – Main Nurse Practitioner Salary page.

Licensed Practical Nurse LPN / LVN Salary in Arizona (AZ)

The average Licensed Practical Nurse LPN Salary in Arizona (AZ) is $52,660 which is above the national average for LPN or LVN’S. The latest figures show that 6,610 LPN’s are employed in the state of Arizona across a range of industries. There are around 707,200 Licensed Practical or Licensed Vocational Nurses employed in total in the U.S.

The tables below show employment figures, average salary information – by hour, week, month and annual salaries in Metropolitan and Non Metropolitan areas of Arizona.

Hourly WageWeekly WageMonthly SalaryAnnual Salary
Licensed Practical Nurse LPN/LVN Salary Arizona$25.32$1,013$4,388$52,660
U.S. Licensed Practical Nurse LPN/LVN Salary$21.98$918$3,976$47,710
U.S. National Average Salary$24.34$973$4,218$50,620

Licensed Practical Nurse LPN / LVN Salary in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas, Arizona

StateEmployment NumbersHourly WageAnnual Salary
Arizona nonmetropolitan area-$21.15$44,000
Lake Havasu City-Kingman230$19.72$41,010
Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale 4,560 $26.23$54,550
Sierra Vista-Douglas60$23.07$47,980
Tucson 1,070 $23.96$49,840

Back to LVN, LPN Salary by State or go to the main LPN Salary page.

Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary in Arizona (AZ)

The average Nurse Anesthetist Salary in Arizona (AZ) is $139,500 which is well below the national average for CRNA’s. There are no available figures for the total number of Nurse Anesthetists employed in the state of Arizona.

Hourly WageWeekly WageMonthly SalaryAnnual Salary
Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary Arizona$67.07$2,683$11,6257$139,500
U.S. Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary$81.47$3,258 $14,120 $169,450
U.S. National Average Salary$24.34$973$4,218$50,620

Nurse Anesthetist CRNA Salary in Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan Areas, Arizona

The tables below show employment figures, average CRNA salary information – by hour, week, month and annual salaries in Metropolitan and Non Metropolitan areas of Arizona.

StateEmployment NumbersHourly WageAnnual Salary

Back to the Nurse Anesthetist   page or the main Nurse Anesthetist Salary page.


Arizona AZ. State capital Phoenix. Largest cities are Phoenix, Tucson and Mesa. Latest population figures 6,828,065. Per capita income $39,060.