In nursing school, you learn a lot of theory which is not enough for the job field. You need to bridge the gap and engage in practice. Nursing internships provide you with an opportunity for hands-on experience.
You work under an experienced senior who helps sharpen your skills. It gives you an advantage of competence in the job field.
Nursing schools can place you in a practical environment that fits your career goals. You need to choose a reputable school with accredited programs. Know the goals you need to achieve and start your application process early.
You need to know your strengths and weaknesses to help you succeed. Here are the schools you can choose for your nursing internship in 2023.

Harvard University Medical School
Harvard Medical School offers a nursing program under Harvard University. It collaborates with many healthcare institutions around the world. The school runs a paid and unpaid internship program for nurses.
You need to send your application and indicate which program you want to be placed under. One of the programs is called Medical Nursing and Public Health Intern in Africa. It places students for hospital clinical work in a facility based in Africa. The program covers a wide range of fields.
Another program is Child Family Health International. You can be placed in any country where the program runs. You might be allowed to choose which field you want to be placed in.
Some of the fields are:
- Emergency
- Pediatrics
- Pharmacy
- Ambulance
- Gynecology
When working as an intern, you can be assigned to different departments. One of the departments you can work in is medical billing. You might be required to write an essay topic on the subject. StudyMoose contains free medical billing and coding examples on the site. The free examples provide you with knowledge on how to write effective papers. The essays can also give you a clue on how medical billing and coding work.
Duke University
Duke University runs a paid program called Duke Health. Its purpose is to help fresh graduates transition from being a student to a professional. You must prove in your application that you deserve to be enrolled.
Attaching your final year research paper or essays can help you get a chance. When enrolled, you get placed in the university’s Nurse Residency Program.
Its purpose is to support you gain experience in your first year of practice. They also have the Specialty Intern Program for nurses who want to work in emergency departments.
Their Professional Nurse Assistant program offers a 10-week internship. You work under a mentor on an intensive schedule.
University of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh runs an initiative called Nursing with Pre-Registration. Its purpose is to train nurses in advanced courses. At the same time, students get automatically enrolled in an internship. You will work under this initiative for two years.
You must be enrolled in an advanced nursing degree to join this internship.
In the two years of your course, you will undertake intensive practical learning. The school works with hospitals, care homes, and community health programs. In your first year, you will work in a 4-week elective placement. The cost for the placement is covered by your advanced degree fees.
China Medical University
China Medical University offers a nursing course that runs for five years. Before graduation, graduates must work one year as an intern. The University organizes the placement. You can be placed in any health institution in China.
The university collaborates with a wide range of healthcare institutions. You don’t need to apply for the internship if you are studying at the university.
The program is mandatory once you complete your 5-year degree. You only graduate after completing your internship. If you are studying at a different university, you must apply for the program. You might want to read essay examples before you write your personal statement. The examples can give you an idea of what you need to write.
New York Medical College
New York Medical College runs an internship program for all its third-year medical students. Its purpose is to help build clinical skills for the job market. It also transitions them into their fourth year which is purely a clerkship training.
The university helps students build communication skills for handling patients.
In the one-year internship, the nurses work in different departments. In the first 6 weeks, you will work in the internal medicine department. You are then transferred to surgery for another six weeks. Next, you work in pediatrics, then gynecology, neurology, and family medicine. In total, the program takes 46 weeks.
Northumbria University, Newcastle
Northumbria University offers several nursing internship programs. You can join Adult, Child, Mental Health, or Learning Disabilities programs. The program enrolls fresh graduates and places them under mentors. You must be ready to work for a total of 1200 hours to complete the program.
Its purpose is to equip you with the practical experience you need. The university works with partners to provide funding and scholarships to interns. You must fill out the application form online and be ready to attend an interview. With support from the partners, you will be placed under a paid internship.
University College London
University College London offers internships for nurses and midwives. You must apply to be considered for the program. If you qualify, you will be placed under an experienced nurse or midwife.
The program runs for 12 months and requires you to complete a research project.
You will submit your research paper at the end of the internship. You will be free to choose your preferred research project from a list of several. To apply, you must be in your final nursing or midwifery year. You can also apply if you have already graduated.
Nursing internships prepare you with the right skills to work in the nursing field. You work under a qualified nurse and doctor who help you gain experience. Many medical schools help you get an internship before graduation.
Others require you to send an application to join. You can get a paid internship but some require you to make fees.